EFT tapping brings peace and healing to discomfort in a person’s mind with thoughts and emotions, as well as body unease and other disharmony showing up in life.
The cause of the unease is seen as connected to personal interpretations, experiences, trauma and events with unhealed emotions in the person´s life span. The assumption is that thoughts, emotions and physical issues originate from the person who feels them.
But uncomfortable emotions and other unease are not always an individual concern, originating from the person experiencing them. In tapping One we see the unease and discomfort, not only as an individual´s experience, we also view it as a Systemic experience.
The Systemic view gives us a broader perspective on what we sense in our bodies, in our mind and what we experience in our lives. This view includes feeling that belongs to someone else. The ability, that we actually all have, come from our connection to each other in larger systems.
So, discomfort does not per se originate from the person feeling it. It can come from someone else in the same system. By not knowing how interconnected we are, we often mistaken the emotions, moods, thought and other discomforts as our own.
The scientific world gives us explanations of this in the science of Epigenetics and Transgenerational Inheritance, Morphic Fields, Morphic resonance and Quantum Physics. All of them viewing our connection to each other in a wider and broader sense.
Situations where survival plays a huge roll determine that information will be passed on to future generations. Emotional charge, such as fear, anxiety, sadness, abandonment, horror and stress are keys in this process. The emotions are like a glue holding the information together. From these emotionally stressful events, tactics and conclusions are forwarded to future generations.
Interestingly the actual inability to choose something different and the inability to change a circumstance can also be inherited. The field of Epigenetic shows that in some situations our free will is highly restricted, due to transgenerational inheritance.
As emotions play a key role in this process, tapping One is perfect to bring harmony, peace and happiness to the individual as well as the whole system.
One of the systems that influence our lives, is our ancestors. In our life we hear and feel the echo of what they have gone through, especially what has been emotionally challenging for them.
So, we not only inherit our looks and our traits from our parents and the generations that have come before them. We also inherit a lot more that is both invisible and subtle yet dominant. The scientific field of Epigenetic shows how information such as: How to do things, How to react in certain situations, What choices to make, What to avoid etc., is passed on to future generations.
It comes down to how we react in certain situations, what we prefer and what is not appealing to us, who we are attracted to, our vulnerability to emotions, being over sensitive in certain contexts, our reactions to fragrances, tastes and sounds, as well as our sensitivity to stress.
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We give credit and thanks to the wonderful photographers:
Bibbie Friman Awakening Photographer: Portrait
Kicki Lidén, Kulturstugan Hb: Magnolia
as well as Pixabay and one.com